In a project where requirements change on a daily basis, refactoring is one's biggest friend.
I'm currently in such a project - not my kind of thing but reality sometimes sucks.
Anyhow, I've tried to look at it from the bright side.
I'm currently perfecting my refactoring skills in eclipse.
Here's what I can share.
Everybody knows about
Ctrl + Shift + R - find resource (file )
Ctrl + Shift + T - find type (class)
Alt+Shift+C - Change method signature
Alt+Shift+S - Context menu for source generation.
Alt+Shift+X, J - Launch current focused code as Java Console App
Alt+Shift+D, J - Debug current focused code as Java Console App
Ctrl + L - go to line - when watching stack traces. NEW
Ctrl + O - find method in class. NEW
Ctrl + T - Hierarchy of a class (subclasses + base classes). NEW
But do you know these:
Alt+Shift+X, Q - Launch current focused script as an Ant Build Script (focused on a target in the 'Outline' window launches only that target, very handy)
Ctrl + >, Ctrl + < - Navigates through warnings and errors in a source file. Extremely handy.
Ctrl + 1 - launches the solution box or whatever that's called.
Ctrl + 3 - finds any window.
Middle button closes tabs as in browsers (only IE does not do that) - VERY, VERY COOL. Ganymede (Eclipse 3.4) only.
Ctrl + E - list of all the open windows (by Joke). NEW
Ctrl + J - incremental search (like Ctrl + F, F3 in browsers (real browsers, IE can't do that)), then arrow up/down to go to next previous, Enter to stop (by rado). NEW
Ctrl + Shift + / - collapse all. NEW2
Ctrl + Shift + * - expand all. These are very nice in long classes. NEW2
Ctrl + Shift + I - inspect selected source code while debuging.
The 'Display' window is my biggest friend - inside it you can write code and evaluate it with Ctrl + Shift + D (print result in the box) and Ctrl + Shift + I ( inspect the code in a context window.
That's for now, I'll update this regularly. If someone uses something regularly that is not here, please tell.
Another very very nice shortcut is
it is like open resource but only in opened tabs.
Ctrl+J - incremental find as you type
Ctrl + Shift + F - Source Formatting. when line length and other properties configured properly, code often uses to look a bit cleaner and standardized.