KFC sucks

On Saturday while shopping we decided to have a lunch at KFC (not because I like them, but because there were no duners around).

We had stomach issues for two days.

On top of that KFC is as expensive as grabbing a pizza in a decent restaurant.

KFC is full with idiots waiting to buy crappy food. I had to wait on a queue.

At KFC the chicken thing was full with water - I guess it was frozen and then directly fried.

KFC is unsanitary - I had to eat on a table used by some teenagers who left a ...(how to delicately put it).. a mess.

For me everybody eating at KFC is a complete moron.

I think McDonalds is the same shit, but at least I never had stomach issues after eating there.

One thought on “KFC sucks”

  1. Честно казано, стомашни проблеми съм имал от McDonalds, но от KFC нямам спомен. А хапвам доста често - 'щото е джънк, който може да се поръча по телефона 😉 А една добра приятелка работеше на дюнер по едно време и ми е разказвала такива истории, че оттогава не съм стъпвал в Мимас или друга дюнерджийница ;')

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