While searching for updates I found out that Nokia gives 1-week free navigation licenses.
One can be obtained from here.
Instructions: a mobile phone has to be supplied and a serial key is sent as an sms that has to be inputted in Nokia Maps. Unfortunatelly +359 (Bulgaria's country code) is not supported (but Romania is) so I used a friend's phone.
Yesterday I tested the thing and it's amazing. The routes it calculates are better than Garmin's ones. Interacting with the software is so much better, especially browsing the map - awesome. There is voice guiding in Bulgarian.
The generally good thing with Nokia Maps is that it's free (the software). There are a lot of maps that are also free. Only the routing capability has to be purchased - it's not very cheap.
Unfortunately their maps are really poor. Bulgaria's map is only 4 megabytes. The Bolkans' map is like 40-50 if I recall correctly.
Zdravei Mihaile! Kolko razbirash ot downgrade za N95 8GB iskam da se vurna ot firmware v31 na v30............Vsushtnost govorish li bulgarki?
Chao za sega, i se nadiavam da mi otgovorish! Merci!!!
Говоря български, но не разбирам от downgrade на firmware, съжалявам.
Hei ,
I found your blisog at google search about nokia maps .
So now again is one free week navgation and you can do it by your bg mobile number.
Working well but .... only Sofia is coverred .
Other tick is to find cracked nokia maps - unsigned , you can sign it on opda.cn
Working very good with all extras ,selv tested in most of europa ( western )