Matrixtunnel is a small http wrapper that adds ssl on top of plain http. Small memory footprint.
Here’s how to start it:
user:~# matrixtunnel -A /etc/ssl/ -p /etc/ssl/ -r 80 -d 444
Print help screen:
user:~# matrixtunnel -h
usage: [-c] [-v] [-d localip:port] [-r remoteip:port]-A Certificate Authority file
-p private key and certificate chain PEM file name
-c client mode. remote is ssl, local plain
-v validate certificate
-d listen locally on this [host:]port
-r connect to remote machine on [host:]port
-P pidfile
-f foreground mode
-D syslog level (0...7)
If one wants to test, one can use –f (start on the console, not as a daemon).
Note: don’t use –v, sometimes it fails. I don’t know why.