Централна Кооперативна Банка

ЦКБ е банката, която работи.

Електронното банкиране на ЦКБ е едно от по-грозните - прилича на стария интерфейс на epay.bg. Но е стабилно и работи. И е достатъчно конформистко спрямо уеб стандарти, за да тръгне без никакви грижи на мобилния ми телефон. За целта от УЕП трябваше да мина на софтуерен сертификат на банката. Никакви грижи.

Едно от страхотните неща е, че мога да прехвърля сметки на друг титуляр на моето ел. банкиране и така да ги управлявам централизирано. Което ми се струваше невероятно.

Голям минус за ел. банкирането е, че няма email нотификация, но пък има SMS такава.

Обслужването в повечето случаи е добро, а понякога дори страхотно. При по-трудни казуси съм получавал адекватни отговори.

Таксите са ниски спрямо другите банки, които съм ползвал. Имам 6% лихва на разплащателна сметка с дебитна карта.

Та ЦКБ е работното муле при банките – не е най-лъскавата, но работи.


Most wireless routers these days have web interfaces can share USB hard drives, have firewalls and so on.

OpenWrt is an open-source firmware that can be installed on such routers. It started thanks to Linksys using GPL software on it’s WRT54G router and had to release the source. This was the base for the project.

OpenWrt is a minimized linux based on the Busybox distribution that can run on the limited hardware of the devices. Thus the devices become a lot more flexible – ssh, telnet, portforwarding, iptables, firewall and so on.

The current version of OpenWrt is 8.09.01, code-named Kamikaze. They use cocktail names for code-names, the last one was called White Russian.

Another project, x-wrt, uses OpenWrt as a base and creates an elaborate web interface, called webif2, that allows the configuration of router via a web interface for users not familiar with linux. x-wrt uses the same version numbers when they bundle their web interface with OpenWrt.

I’ve used x-wrt 7.09 with webif (version 1) which had it’s glitches. Now I’m using OpenWrt 8.09 that provides its own web interface (quite good really). I haven’t tried webif2. But if I do, I’ll try to write something about it.

What about routers?

The starting point is the table of harware section in OpenWrt’s wiki. For every major manifacturer they have a wiki page with info whether they support the router and how good they support it. My router for example is supported fully with OpenWrt based on linux kernel 2.4. They don’t support the wireless (some binary driver issue) with kernel 2.6. So I’m using the latest version of OpenWrt, but with an older kernel.

Some routers have USB ports which can be used for harddrives, flash memories, usb cameras. For my router they have a manual for live streaming from a web camera. USB harddrives can be shared via ftp, samba…. (it’s a linux box after all).

The pro’s of these machines is that they’re cheap, very powerful, and very quiet.

The con’s come from limited memory (can be extended with a flash), lack of all linux commands and options (busybox).

How traceroute saved the day

After a couple of days of struggling to understand why my laptop was the only one that couldn’t open a connection to a network resource. I finally found out that it was a mac address mix-up.

Sometime ago while testing I used my laptop to pretend that it was that resource. To do that the laptop had its physical address changed. Since then I have forgotten to change the mac address back.

Today I tried traceroute and got surprised. The resource is a couple of hops away, but traceroute said it’s right next to me. I should have noticed that since the machine was responding to a ping 10 times faster than before.

Thanks, traceroute.

Smart port forwarding

This is one of those it-just-works piece of software. It’s a port forwarder for windows. No installation. Easy to use. And it works.


UPDATE: first, the link to the software: http://www.brooksyounce.com/soft/spf.htm

UPDATE2: The site of this guy, Brooks, is interesting. Especially after reading about the software and then to see this guy’s pictures. The site: http://www.brooksyounce.com/