Supporting wikipedia cookie

I think wikipedia is a great thing. There are studies that it's and Britannica's articles are comparably good, which by itself is a great compliment. It's ads free, its interface rules. It's pretty neat and tidy. I always add 'wiki' at the end of a search if wikipedia is not in the first ten search result, which is rare. I'm not a committer, only fix some minor error occasionally.

These guys operate wikipedia only from donations. Last year they needed $10m to operate. This year I guess it's twice as much. So every year they start a campaign with a picture of Jimmy Wales's face. I don't think he's ugly, but the same face every year? This year they finally changed the face with a lady one. A lot better.

Everyone using wikipedia should support it and I generally dislike people saying that it's just another website. But one does donate something, wouldn't they at least give a browser cookie or devise some other mechanism that would hide the ugly banner on top of every page?

2 thoughts on “Supporting wikipedia cookie”

  1. Yep, I am with you. I donated a few bucks some weeks ago, when they put the appeal for donation.

    We should get rid of the nasty habit to be part of a consumer society - only taking things and never giving back anything.
    As New Radicals were singing years ago "you only get what you give"... 🙂

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