Stuff to do when reinstalling OS X Lion

  • Update, update, update
  • Set up iCloud.
  • Add Bulgarian Phonetic, change the Cmd+Space for langs, Alt+Cmd+Space for spotlight.
  • Add Bulgarian to Dict. There's a blog article for that.
  • Add Trackpad settings, switch off "Natural scrolling".
  • link the laptop with a cable to the TimeMachine.
  • Copy mihail.stoynov/
  • Set up wi-fi sync in iTunes for music and photos only.


Apps to install:

  • Chrome, log in with account.
  • iStat menus (paid)
  • uTorrent
  • iPhoto, GarageBand (from iLife) (paid).
  • Carbon Copy Cloner
  • CleanMyMac (paid)
  • Disk Inventory X
  • Dropbox
  • Filezilla
  • Firefox
  • gfxCardStatus
  • NO Ez7Z
  • Gruml
  • Mactrackr (appstore)
  • Maltego
  • MplayerX (appstore)
  • OmniDiskSweeper
  • Remote Desktop Connection 2.1 (requires admin rights to install?)
  • Skype
  • TeamViewer
  • Tomato Torrent
  • TorBrowser
  • Transmission
  • Transmit
  • Twitter (appstore)
  • VirtualBox (+extension pack)
  • VLC
  • VMWare Fusion
  • aMule
  • B1 Free Archiver for Mac
  • TunesText widget
  • GAget widget for graph


Cool new features in OS X Lion. The trackpad.

The coolest thing here is the dictionary - double-tap with three fingers. Adding extra dictionaries is not very straight-forward, but go to this guy:

You can link the dictionary with wikipedia (even the bg version of it). It is amazing.

Another very cool thing is the three finger drag.

Screen 2 - smart zoom, but it doesn't work everywhere.

When OS X Lion came out, the three-finger horizontal drag (swipe) was for switching between screens. In the previous versions it was four-finger. In the latest update they went back to four-fingers, since the three-finger swipe is for dragging windows.

I wouldn't trade a macbook just for the trackpad. I stopped using a mouse since my first one. I am so used to it that when I get back to a normal trackpad it looks like I'm back in the stone age.

Default contact group on iPhone

My iPhone downloads my contacts from gmail. Whenever I click on 'Add new contact' I want this new contact to be uploaded to gmail. Unfortunately that is not the default behaviour. The new contact goes to iCloud, even though my default mail and contacts account is gmail.

Here's how to fix this:


Remove the iCloud contacts sync. This will completely remove the iCloud contacts group:


Problem solved

LinkedIn has dicovered salting

You've heard of the recent LinkedIn leak of hashed passwords, right?

Well, this is what they say on their blog:

Finally, we’ve enhanced our security measures through an additional layer of technical protection know as “salting” to better secure your information.

LinkedIn, your passwords weren't salted, really?

And recently they sent me an email saying my hashed password is on a hacker forum.