Today (2015.02.25) we had a bgjug sponsored "intro to nashorn" event.
Mitya, presented nashorn and avatar.js. Gave a lot of examples and had a hands-on - a node.js server working with hibernate.
Surrender your ego
Today (2015.02.25) we had a bgjug sponsored "intro to nashorn" event.
Mitya, presented nashorn and avatar.js. Gave a lot of examples and had a hands-on - a node.js server working with hibernate.
Today, 17.02.2015, the Bulgarian Java User Group (BGJUG) organized another hackaton. This time we wanted to fix warnings inside the jdk.
First we did
$ make clean JAVAC_WARNINGS="-Xlint:all,deprecation,rawtypes,\ unchecked,cast,serial,dep-ann,static,fallthrough,try,varargs,\ empty,finally -Xmaxwarns 10000" DISABLE_WARNINGS="-Xlint:all"\ LOG=info images |
to generate a build.log
to find out all the warnings. Then with any text editor one could open jdk9/build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/build.log
and use these searches (using regular expressions) to find all the warnings:
openjdk/jdk9/corba(.)* warning openjdk/jdk9/jaxp(.)* warning openjdk/jdk9/jaxws(.)* warning openjdk/jdk9/nashorn(.)* warning |
359 corba 100 jaxp 500 jaxws 0 nashorn |
rawtypes 43 unchecked 14 serial 32 cast 10 dep-ann 1 |
Note: Dep-ann is to add the @Deprecated
We fixed the last three types and created a patch:, because the unchecked and the rawtypes are a bit tricky as they involve changing public APIs.
We then tried to solve as much of the latter as possible and then created a second patch: беше сайт с няколко книги за мотоциклетна езда преведени на български. Когато стана ясно, че ще затварят и безплатно хостнатнатите там страници, реших да спася цялото творчество и копирах сайта, за да се запази като знание.
>Ефективни приоми на уличната езда.
>Кейт Код.
>Техника на спортната езда.
Не знам какви са правата на съответните книги/статии. Ако все пак нарушавам нечии, моля да пише.