Certificates, keystores, java keytool utility and openssl

(Updated: four six typos fixed)

From time to time I need a self-signed certificate. I use the java keytool utility to make one:

For a JKS (Java Key Store format):

-keystore mihail.stoynov.jks
-storepass mihail.stoynov
-alias mihail.stoynov
-keypass mihail.stoynov
-keysize 2048
-keyalg RSA
-sigalg sha1withrsa
-dname "cn=Mihail Stoynov,
ou=MyCompany Bulgaria, o=MyCompany, L=Sofia, S=Sofia, c=BG"
-validity 3650

For a PKCS#12 keystore:

-keystore mihail.stoynov.p12

-storetype pkcs12
-storepass mihail.stoynov
-alias mihail.stoynov
-keypass mihail.stoynov
-keysize 2048
-keyalg RSA
-sigalg sha1withrsa
-dname "cn=Mihail Stoynov, ou=MyCompany Bulgaria, o=MyCompany, L=Sofia, S=Sofia, c=BG"
-validity 3650

When the public certificate is needed separately, one can be exported in a file (mihail.stoynov.cer) like this:
(from a JKS)

-keystore mihail.stoynov.jks
-storepass mihail.stoynov
-alias mihail.stoynov
-keypass mihail.stoynov
-file mihail.stoynov.cer


(from a PKCS#12)

-keystore mihail.stoynov.p12

-storetype pkcs12
-storepass mihail.stoynov
-alias mihail.stoynov
-keypass mihail.stoynov
-file mihail.stoynov.cer


NOTE: keep storepass and keypass the same for easy importing into browsers

Sometimes self-signed certificates are not enough and a CA root certificate must be made in order to sign a group of certificates.

First a Certificate signing request (CSR) must be made:
(from a JKS)

-keystore mihail.stoynov.jks
-storepass mihail.stoynov
-alias mihail.stoynov
-keypass mihail.stoynov
>> mihail.stoynov.csr

(from a PKCS#12)

-keystore mihail.stoynov.p12

-storetype pkcs12
-storepass mihail.stoynov
-alias mihail.stoynov
-keypass mihail.stoynov
>> mihail.stoynov.csr

(the output is directed to a file: mihail.stoynov.cer)

The file looks something like that:


Did we forget something? Yes, there's no Root CA certificate. Let's make one:

-keystore mycompany.root.ca.jks
-storepass "mycompany.root.ca"
-alias "mycompany.root.ca"
-keypass "mycompany.root.ca"
-keyalg RSA
-keysize 2048
-sigalg SHA1withRSA
-dname "cn=MyCompany Bulgaria, ou=Office No 5, o=MyCompany, L=Sofia, S=Sofia, c=BG"
-validity 3650



-keystore mycompany.root.ca.p12

-storetype pkcs12
-storepass "mycompany.root.ca"
-alias "mycompany.root.ca"
-keypass "mycompany.root.ca"
-keyalg RSA
-keysize 2048
-sigalg SHA1withRSA
-dname "cn=MyCompany Bulgaria, ou=Office No 5, o=MyCompany, L=Sofia, S=Sofia, c=BG"
-validity 3650

Problem No 1
Keytool cannot sign CSRs. Period.

Now what do we do?

I went to OpenSSL.

In order to sign with OpenSSL I needed the root certificate in the PEM format.
P12 (PKCS#12) -> PEM:

-in mycompany.root.ca.p12
-out mycompany.root.ca.pem

Sign the CSR with OpenSSL:

-in mihail.stoynov.csr
-CA mycompany.root.ca.pem
-out mihail.stoynov.signed.cer
-days 3650

(I don't know what -CAcreateserial is but it works)

So now I have mihail.stoynov.signed.cer.

The last step is to import it to mihail.stoynov.p12 (or .jks) in order to override the self-signed certificate with the one signed by the MyCompany Root CA.

A Prerequisite step to that is to import mycompany.root.ca.cer into mihail.stoynov.p12 (or .jks) because every certificate in the chain must be contained in the certificate chain of mihail.stoynov.

Problem No 2
Importing mycompany.root.ca.cer into mihail.stoynov.p12 fails but importing it into mihail.stoynov.jks works?!


-keystore mihail.stoynov.jks
-storepass mihail.stoynov
-alias mycompany.root.ca
-file mycompany.root.ca.cer

(this one works)


-keystore mihail.stoynov.p12

-storetype pkcs12
-storepass mihail.stoynov
-alias mycompany.root.ca

-file mycompany.root.ca.cer

this one fails with:

Owner: CN=MyCompany Bulgaria, OU=Office No 5, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Issuer: CN=MyCompany Bulgaria, OU=Office No 5, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Serial number: 49b8c365
Valid from: Thu Mar 12 08:12:13 GMT+00:02 2009 until: Sun Mar 10 08:12:13 GMT+00:02 2019
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5:  1C:0C:82:0D:35:C8:1E:48:74:9F:13:43:C9:AE:D0:F7
SHA1: DB:BB:D7:DB:8C:33:AA:06:6D:CF:D2:5C:EB:64:01:D5:AD:AB:94:38
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
Version: 3
Trust this certificate? [no]:  y 

keytool error: java.security.KeyStoreException: TrustedCertEntry not supported
java.security.KeyStoreException: TrustedCertEntry not supported
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.pkcs12.PKCS12KeyStore.engineSetCertificateEntry(PKCS12KeyStore.java:620)
at java.security.KeyStore.setCertificateEntry(KeyStore.java:941)
at sun.security.tools.KeyTool.addTrustedCert(KeyTool.java:1958)
at sun.security.tools.KeyTool.doCommands(KeyTool.java:818)
at sun.security.tools.KeyTool.run(KeyTool.java:172)
at sun.security.tools.KeyTool.main(KeyTool.java:166)

Actually P12 format does not permit trusted certificates. It is inteded to contain key/pairs only. So importing mycompany.root.ca.cer into mihail.stoynov.p12 failed.

I tried several things:

1) Importing mihail.stoynov.signed.cer directly into mihail.stoynov.p12:

-keystore mihail.stoynov.p12
-storetype pkcs12

-storepass mihail.stoynov
-alias mihail.stoynov
-keypass mihail.stoynov
-file mihail.stoynov.signed.cer

and the response was:

keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply
java.lang.Exception: Failed to establish chain from reply
at sun.security.tools.KeyTool.establishCertChain(KeyTool.java:2662)
at sun.security.tools.KeyTool.installReply(KeyTool.java:1870)
at sun.security.tools.KeyTool.doCommands(KeyTool.java:807)
at sun.security.tools.KeyTool.run(KeyTool.java:172)
at sun.security.tools.KeyTool.main(KeyTool.java:166)

2) Importing mycompany.root.ca.cer into cacerts:

keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -file mycompany.root.ca.cer

This again didn't fix the problem.

Solution to Problem No 2:
Transform P12 to JKS, import the root certificate and the signed certificate into JKS keystore, transform the modified JKS back to P12.

1) Transform P12 to JKS

-srckeystore mihail.stoynov.p12
-destkeystore mihail.stoynov.jks
-srcstoretype pkcs12
-srcstorepass mihail.stoynov
-deststorepass mihail.stoynov

2) import the root certificate into the JKS keystore

-keystore mihail.stoynov.jks
-storepass mihail.stoynov
-alias mycompany.root.ca


-file mycompany.root.ca.cer

3) import signed certificate into JKS keystore

-keystore mihail.stoynov.jks
-storepass mihail.stoynov
-alias mihail.stoynov
-keypass mihail.stoynov
-file mihail.stoynov.signed.cer

4) transform the modified JKS back to P12

-srckeystore mihail.stoynov.jks
-destkeystore mihail.stoynov.p12
-deststoretype pkcs12
-srcstorepass mihail.stoynov
-deststorepass mihail.stoynov

it said something like:

Entry for alias mihail.stoynov successfully imported.
Problem importing entry for alias mycompany.root.ca: java.security.KeyStoreException: TrustedCertEntry not supported.
Entry for alias mycompany.root.ca not imported.
Do you want to quit the import process? [no]:  n
Import command completed:  1 entries successfully imported, 1 entries failed or cancelled

I clicked yes, and it worked.

Now let's see what's the difference between mihail.stoynov.jks and mihail.stoynov.p12:

$ keytool -list -keystore mihail.stoynov.jks -storetype jks -storepass mihail.stoynov -v

Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 2 entries

Alias name: mihail.stoynov
Creation date: Mar 12, 2009
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 2
Owner: CN=Mihail Stoynov, OU=MyCompany Sofia, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Issuer: CN=MyCompany Bulgaria, OU=Office No 5, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Serial number: f0e465bb77420e30
Valid from: Thu Mar 12 09:29:19 GMT+00:02 2009 until: Sun Mar 10 09:29:19 GMT+00:02 2019
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5:  40:9D:C2:DE:AE:11:1E:01:92:F9:C8:01:C5:92:69:CB
SHA1: D2:D0:03:5C:50:BC:F8:6C:EB:C0:36:B6:B0:8D:A8:3B:9E:B6:7B:B4
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
Version: 1
Owner: CN=MyCompany Bulgaria, OU=Office No 5, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Issuer: CN=MyCompany Bulgaria, OU=Office No 5, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Serial number: 49b8c365
Valid from: Thu Mar 12 08:12:13 GMT+00:02 2009 until: Sun Mar 10 08:12:13 GMT+00:02 2019
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5:  1C:0C:82:0D:35:C8:1E:48:74:9F:13:43:C9:AE:D0:F7
SHA1: DB:BB:D7:DB:8C:33:AA:06:6D:CF:D2:5C:EB:64:01:D5:AD:AB:94:38
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
Version: 3


Alias name: mycompany.root.ca
Creation date: Mar 12, 2009
Entry type: trustedCertEntry

Owner: CN=MyCompany Bulgaria, OU=Office No 5, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Issuer: CN=MyCompany Bulgaria, OU=Office No 5, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Serial number: 49b8c365
Valid from: Thu Mar 12 08:12:13 GMT+00:02 2009 until: Sun Mar 10 08:12:13 GMT+00:02 2019
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5:  1C:0C:82:0D:35:C8:1E:48:74:9F:13:43:C9:AE:D0:F7
SHA1: DB:BB:D7:DB:8C:33:AA:06:6D:CF:D2:5C:EB:64:01:D5:AD:AB:94:38
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
Version: 3



P12 (PKCS#12)

$ keytool -list -keystore mihail.stoynov.p12 -storetype pkcs12 -storepass mihail.stoynov -v

Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SunJSSE

Your keystore contains 1 entry

Alias name: mihail.stoynov
Creation date: Mar 12, 2009
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 2
Owner: CN=Mihail Stoynov, OU=MyCompany Sofia, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Issuer: CN=MyCompany Bulgaria, OU=Office No 5, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Serial number: f0e465bb77420e30
Valid from: Thu Mar 12 09:29:19 GMT+00:02 2009 until: Sun Mar 10 09:29:19 GMT+00:02 2019
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5:  40:9D:C2:DE:AE:11:1E:01:92:F9:C8:01:C5:92:69:CB
SHA1: D2:D0:03:5C:50:BC:F8:6C:EB:C0:36:B6:B0:8D:A8:3B:9E:B6:7B:B4
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
Version: 1
Owner: CN=MyCompany Bulgaria, OU=Office No 5, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Issuer: CN=MyCompany Bulgaria, OU=Office No 5, O=MyCompany, L=Sofia, ST=Sofia, C=BG
Serial number: 49b8c365
Valid from: Thu Mar 12 08:12:13 GMT+00:02 2009 until: Sun Mar 10 08:12:13 GMT+00:02 2019
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5:  1C:0C:82:0D:35:C8:1E:48:74:9F:13:43:C9:AE:D0:F7
SHA1: DB:BB:D7:DB:8C:33:AA:06:6D:CF:D2:5C:EB:64:01:D5:AD:AB:94:38
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
Version: 3



Do you see the difference?
It's in italic - JKS format keeps an extra trusted certificate of MyCompany Root CA.

Anyway both mihail.stoynov.jks and mihail.stoynov.p12 work perfectly.

Does someone know better solutions to Problem No 1 and Problem No 2?
Does someone know how to sign certificates but without the cumbersome CSR step?

19 thoughts on “Certificates, keystores, java keytool utility and openssl”

  1. Congrats about the tutorial - that's a known issue but there isn't a smart solution yet.

    We had to sign CSRs 2 years ago and there were no way to do it with keytool. We've solved the same way - via openssl. There were another 3rd party tool (java based), but I can't remember its name.

  2. Well, if you really really want to sign CSRs with java, you can always do it with code - using the JCE. 🙂

    As for problem 2, there are two mistakes I can find in your reasoning :
    1. "A Prerequisite step to that is to import mycompany.root.ca.cer into mihail.stoynov.p12 (or .jks) because every certificate in the chain must be contained in the certificate chain of mihail.stoynov." - why do you need to import the CA certificate into the keystore again? When the CA signs the CSR, it appends its own certificate to the certificate chain of the original. So, as can be seen from your examples, you have two keystores, the JKS one, and the PKCS12 one, both of which contain the signed CSR(with its proper certificate chain), but your JKS keystore contains one more certificate - namely that of the CA. This is useful, for example, if you would like to use the keystore as a truststore - but it's otherwise irrelevant(that's why both your keystores work perfectly). 🙂
    2. "Actually P12 format does not permit trusted certificates. It is inteded to contain key/pairs only." - this is blatantly false. The only thing PKCS12 lacks, is the notion of trust - it doesn't make a distinction between the certificates in the keystore, e.g. if they're trusted, or untrusted. The only reason you can't import the CA certificate as-is, is that keytool has been created primarily for working with the default java keystore type - JKS, and doesn't account for the differences in other keystore types.

    P.S. You forgot to anonymize "mycompany.root.ca.cer" 🙂

    1. >why do you need to import the CA certificate into the keystore again?
      It was never there in the first place. The CA cert is in another file.

      > "Actually P12 format does not permit trusted certificates. It is inteded to contain key/pairs only." – this is blatantly false.
      Can you put a cer file inside p12? Without a corresponding private key?

      >JKS, and doesn’t account for the differences in other keystore types.
      I guess so. But you can't use keytool to update the cert part of the certificate in the p12.

  3. First, I have anonymized your comment, I hope you don't mind. And thanks for the remark.

    About your first point: look at the blog post, there's an exception. If you can show me how to do it without importing the root CA cer, I'll readily use it from now on. Anyway I do agree that it doesn't make sense.

    About your second point: you may be right. My knowledge on this subject is limited. I copied a statement from Java Ranch thread 🙂

    Anyway keytool seems to be far too limited.

  4. I had the same problem with importing a trustedCertEntry into pkcs11 keystore/truststore....

    Seems this can never be done with keytool.. I instead used certutil to do the job (first you need to create a secmod.db with certutil -create)

    Now the problem is that I can only view the imported certificate using certutil or pktool. keytool still refuses to list the trustedCertEntry (because it has no associated private key ??) Consequently my java program cannot access the trusted certificate when I use pkcs11 keystore. Anyone has idea why the behaviour is so different in certutil/pktool and keytool ??

    (And ofcourse I have no problems with using JKS as my truststore )

  5. Hi, I'm still quite new to the SSL, and am still having trouble generating keys.

    After reading through your tutorial I am confused on how you generated "mycompany.root.ca.cer"

    I understand that "mihail.stoynov.signed.cer" needs to be imported back into the original generated keypair file, but why does "mycompany.root.ca.cer" need to be included? also how do i generate the file from which keypair?

    1. You need to put back mihail.stoynov.signed.cer, because it has changed - it was signed.

      >also how do i generate the file from which keypair?
      Check problem no2.

  6. Hi!

    This is the best tutorial I found so far but still lacks one very important thing I dont find the answer for. Once we have a p12 file containing the ca certificate, how can we use it. Using java ControlPanel, it just does not import it for me. Do you have any idea about it?

    Anyway I do all the key management (generation, sign, etc) with openssl. Creating a p12 file having only the ca certificate can be done using:
    openssl pkcs12 -export -cacerts -nokeys -in ca.cert.pem -out ca.cert.p12

    -CAcreateserial openssl option is to create a usually ca.crl named file if not yet exists, which is used to note the last used serial number which was assigned to the last signed certificate. So that openssl can increment it and make sure that the serial number will be unique for the certificates signed by a given root ca.

    1. What do you mean use it? My use case was client ssl authentication against tomcat. With you it might be something else

      1. You are right. I am about to sign a java applet, which shall be deployed for some users. On the user(client) system I plan the generated root ca to be added/imported.

        I was guessing that java platform might behave in some similar way while importing a new trusted root ca. I guess you had to import yours as well somewhere for tomcat (which I am not familiar with) or else I dont see no much use of a root ca.

        1. I don't remember exactly but i think there is a centralized repository for every jvm installation. But that doesn't help your case.

          I used a ca because we wanted to log in all users with a valid certificate signed by our own ca.

          1. I guess that centralized repository for every jvm, is the one where java control panel will save any new root ca.

            I figured out anyway by now. I can import openssl produced pem file, event thought the file open dialog filters for p12 (and .csr which has no sense for me). So select all files filter and then the pem file works fine.

            Might help someone in the future.

            Thankyou for your answers.

          2. I didnt know it supported pem. When i wrote this we had to transform p12->pem->p12

  7. Thanks bro! Here's what I did per your awesomeness:
    ## Generate a new pair of keys in a new keystore
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -genkeypair -keyalg "RSA" -keysize 2048 -sigalg "SHA1withRSA" -alias "mycom" -dname "CN=MyCom.com,OU=CoreTech,O=My Company LLC,L=Nowhere,S=Pennsylvania,C=US" -ext "SAN=DNS:mycom.com" -keystore "./server-mycom.ssl" -storetype "PKCS12" -storepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q"
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -list -v -alias "mycom" -keystore "./server-mycom.ssl" -storetype "PKCS12" -storepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q"

    # Export Certificate from keystore
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -export -alias "mycom" -keystore "./server-mycom.ssl" -storetype "PKCS12" -storepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q" -file mycom.cer

    # Export Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from keystore
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -certreq -alias "mycom" -keystore "./server-mycom.ssl" -storetype "PKCS12" -storepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q" -file "mycom.csr"

    cat "mycom.csr"

    # Create Verisign Certificate using CSR and Symantec trustcenter website

    cat "mycom_verisign_cert.cer"
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    # Be sure to download the verisign root and intermediate certificates, storing in ./verisign_root_cert.cer and ./verisign_intermediate_cert.cer respectively

    # Convert the PKCS12 store to JKS (this is done to get the certificate chain to work under PKS12)
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -importkeystore -srcstoretype "PKCS12" -srckeystore "./server-mycom.ssl" -srcstorepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q" -deststoretype "JKS" -destkeystore "./server-mycom.jks" -deststorepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q"

    # Import Root CA into JKS keystore (which will fail for PKCS12 keystores)
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -alias "root" -keystore "./server-mycom.jks" -storetype "JKS" -storepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q" -file ./verisign_root_cert.cer
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -list -v -alias "root" -keystore "./server-mycom.jks" -storetype "JKS" -storepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q"

    # Import Intermediate CA into JKS keystore (which will fail for PKCS12 keystores)
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -importcert -trustcacerts -alias "INTER" -keystore "./server-mycom.jks" -storetype "JKS" -storepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q" -file ./verisign_intermediate_cert.cer
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -list -v -alias "INTER" -keystore "./server-mycom.jks" -storetype "JKS" -storepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q"

    # Import Certificate into JKS keystore (which will fail for PKCS12 keystores)
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -import -trustcacerts -alias "mycom" -keystore "./server-mycom.jks" -storetype "JKS" -storepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q" -file ./mycom_verisign_cert.cer
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -list -v -alias "mycom" -keystore "./server-mycom.jks" -storetype "JKS" -storepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q"

    # Convert the JKS store to PKCS12 (so as to preserve the certificate chain in keystore)
    ./jre/bin/keytool.exe -importkeystore -srcstoretype "JKS" -srckeystore "./server-mycom.jks" -srcstorepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q" -deststoretype "PKCS12" -destkeystore "./server-mycom.p12" -deststorepass "eRLOdANr3u40O15aJx8W7i2YoQ0Fi8xIVDdcV85Q"

    # You will get warning messages such as this:
    # Problem importing entry for alias inter: java.security.KeyStoreException: TrustedCertEntry not supported.
    # Entry for alias inter not imported.
    # Do you want to quit the import process? [no]: no
    # Problem importing entry for alias root: java.security.KeyStoreException: TrustedCertEntry not supported.
    # Entry for alias root not imported.
    # Do you want to quit the import process? [no]: no
    # Entry for alias mycom successfully imported.
    # Import command completed: 1 entries successfully imported, 2 entries failed or cancelled

    # Update your tomcat connector to point to the converted PKCS12 keystore:

  8. I got this to work after many days of trial and error.
    At the beginning, you need to put your CA certs into a .DER encoded format with a .CER file extension.
    Convert from PKCS12 to JKS, then import all CA certs using the DER encoded versions, then
    convert the JKS back to PKCS12.
    In MS Windows, to convert Symantec text files or .cer files to .DER
    Preliminarily, copy all Symantec cert txt files to new files with extension .CER.
    Open the root .cer file and view the certificate
    Select the Path tab, then select the root cert and view the certificate.
    For the root certificate, select the detail tab,
    select the Copy to File button and select the DER option and create a filename with "_der.cer" file
    extension. Once saved, close the root certificate.
    Select the intermediate certificate and perform steps above as for root.
    For the private User Certificate ssl_certificate_der.cer file, perform steps above as for root.

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