Explaining to young female students that an IT career doesn't suck (that much)


It was a surprise to me, but I got invited to a forum organized by HP to explain to young women that a career in IT is not scary, doesn't suck at all and why it might be something that they may enjoy.

There were around 50 guests.

I was invited as an example of a "young" "successful" person. It was an honor sitting next to the Iravan Hira (CEO of HP Bulgaria), Preslav Pavlov (Global Deliveries Director for HP), Rumyana Trencheva (CEO of SAP Bulgaria), Zornica Iankova (HP's HR Director), Kristina Stoitsova (R&D at VMware).

Modrator was webcafe.bg's owner Sibina Grigorova.


The event was highly entertaining for me. The public initially wasn't keen on asking too many questions. But the discussion afterwards proved interesting. I was happy to hear that female CEOs didn't feel male colleagues treated them differently. Still there are far more males than females in IT.


Of course I wore a @bgjug t-shirt.

[jug.bg] pi4j on RaspberryPi


Jug.mk's leader Pance Cavkovski is talking today about how to put java on a raspberry pi and then automate your home.

There is also a slide about NodeMCU that helps you distribute GPIO around your home and control different devices. NodeMCU is a wifi-to-GPIO for $5 basically, which is awesome:


Today was a busy day, the beer was over in seconds and that sucks because Ivan and I only had a beer.


I brought a Odroid C1. But pi4j doesn't work, so I used jOdro.

We have a new banner that we didn't forget to bring today, so there it is:


[jug.bg] A hackaton showcasing JSR 371 (MVC) 2015.09.30


On 30.09.2015 we did a workshop that showcased the very beta of MVC 1.0 implemented in ozark.

We had to use glassfish, which I somehow dislike, because I don't understand it and it didn't run very smooth, but in glassfish's defense I have to say that reloading the application without restarting worked like a charm. That is awesome.

MVC is promising and I like how simple it is.

The code is here: https://github.com/bgjug/mvc10-workshop.
