CUDA Driver:
rm -r /usr/local/cuda rm -r /Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework |
CUDA Toolkit:
rm -r /Developer/NVIDIA |
Surrender your ego
CUDA Driver:
rm -r /usr/local/cuda rm -r /Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework |
CUDA Toolkit:
rm -r /Developer/NVIDIA |
Thanks a bunch! It also works on Mavericks.
Much better way: run "/usr/local/cuda/bin/uninstall"
If it works, it makes my post look stupid 🙂
No such file of directory. Sorry, I'm really a noob when it comes to Terminal. How should I use it properly?
Yep. I get the same thing. No such file name or directory. Would love a little clarification, thanks!
su - before you do that work, you need to be root!
I don't get it? How do you uninstall CUDA? Put these commands into my terminal? Sorry I am new to this
Tyler, you can run either of the command line instructions within the OSX Terminal application.
Mihail Stoynov's instructions on this are, IMHO, more complete.
Only two things to add to this thread that might prove to be useful by way of completeness.
1] Using the rm instructions still leaves the preference pane in System Preferences. Easily removed by means of Select and Ctrl that item in System Preferences.
2] Simply entering the command line instructions can and shall result in a permission denied problem, the solution is
precede the command line instructions by sudo
sudo rm -r /Developer/NVIDIA
then enter your logon / account password
uninstall removes more:
(kernel) Kext com.nvidia.CUDA not found for unload request.
Failed to unload com.nvidia.CUDA - (libkern/kext) not found.
removing [/usr/local/cuda]
removing [/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-5.5]
removing [/System/Library/StartupItems/CUDA]
removing [/System/Library/Extensions/CUDA.kext]
removing [/Library/Preferences/com.nvidia.CUDAPref.plist.lockfile]
removing [/Library/Preferences/com.nvidia.CUDAPref.plist]
removing [/Library/PreferencePanes/CUDA Preferences.prefPane]
removing [/Library/LaunchAgents/com.nvidia.CUDASoftwareUpdate.plist]
removing [/Library/Frameworks/CUDA.framework]
removing [/private/var/db/receipts/com.nvidia.cuda.launchagent.pkg.plist]
"Mihail Stoynov’s instructions on this are, IMHO, more complete."
They don't actually remove everything that the uninstall script does, so... no, no they're not 😉
Just have a look in /usr/local/cuda/bin/. You will find some uninstall scripts according to your version of CUDA.