Migrating Google Apps

In this first post I explained how Google Apps account were created to be incomplete (only docs, mail, calendar; no reader, groups, so on) and how I had to create a so called "Google Account" for my Google Apps account that would allow me to access all the google services. At this point this stopps working so I decide to migrate to a newer version of Google Apps that allows its accounts to access all google services. All this happens for my stoynov.com account.

So I start the migration and Google says that my new stoynov.com Google Apps accounts will be able access 62 new services and that I can stop some of them. I allowed them all.

Now it says that there's a conflict between my Google Apps accoung for mihail@stoynov.com and my "Google Account" for the same address. Here's what it says when I logged on gmail.com:

It seems that now my new Google Apps account takes precedence over my Google Account and the latter is now moved to a temporary address. It suggests I check these two links (Address No Longer Available and Not sure what to do?).

The stupid thing is that there's no simple "merge" that could provide a wizard and be done with it.

There are three options - create new gmail account, create new non-google account, do it later. Until then the temp address of the old "Google Account" is mihail%stoynov.com@gtempaccount.com.

Since I don't want a new gmail account and no other account, I chose later.

Then I checked my google groups while logged as mihail@stoynov.com. Google said:

It comes out that Google Groups are not available for the Standard Edition of Google Apps. There seems to be a bug that's described here. For a second I thought that I'd lose access to all the groups and would not be able to receive messages. I quickly made a test. The mail came, so no access is lost.

So now I don't have access to groups.google.com, but at least my subscriptions go to mihail%stoynov.com@gtempaccount.com that redirects to mihail@stoynov.com.

Google messed this up and I intend to mail support so that I could be able to fix this somehow.

P.S. But even when/if it's fixed I would have to call all Groups admins to switch my subscription from mihail%stoynov.com@gtempaccount.com to mihail@stoynov.com.

Another ugly thing from that migration is the inablility to be logged to many mails simultaneously - before this migration I could be logged to mihail.stoynov@gmail.com, mihail@stoynov.com, mihail@work.com; today I can be logged to only one. And the nice "switch account" feature is not working. After going to google.com/accounts it worked:

At least that's working out 🙂

The last thing is the difference between the two profiles - mihail.stoynov@gmail.com and mihail@stoynov.com:

Updates to follow.

I'm back!

After 7 months I'm finally back.

I've migrated dasBlog to wordpress. It's not trivial but did happen in only 2 days. I've lost one blog post and 2 comments. There was a lot of manual work with fixing links. Ironically the slowest thing was to wait for Windows 7 virtual machine (windows wanted to update which was a couple of hours of work and couldn't be avoided).

Windows 7 was required so that I could add some forwards from the old posts to the new ones (via powershell).

Update: The most important help I got was from http://www.aaronlerch.com/blog/2007/08/23/breaking-up-moving-blog-engines/ and from Mario. Thanks.